Letter Rain

Letter Rain is an original interactive PC game developed using the PyGame library. The game tests your focus and vocabulary by challenging you to form words from the falling letters before they sink into the water below. Speed and accuracy are key factors to excel in this game, apart from of course, a slice of luck.


The gameplay is very simple and intuitive. There will be letters falling from the sky into the river below. The objective of the game is to form meaningful words from those letters before it falls into the river and score points. The player can form words by pressing the key in the keyboard corresponding to the falling letter. Once a player is satisfied with the word formed, they can press Return on the keyboard for score counting and then to continue with the next word. At each level, there is a predefined target score that the player must achieve in order to progress to the next level. Each level is of the same fixed duration of 1 minute. Within this duration the player must achieve atleast the target score to progress. The game will end if the player fails to score atleast the target score.

Look into the Game

Start Screen

Start Screen

Game Screen

Game Screen

Game Screen - Word Formed

Word formed on game screen

Pause Screen

Pause screen

Level Passed Screen

Level complete

Game Over Screen

Game over


Leader board

Code is available here

Aparajith Raghuvir
Aparajith Raghuvir

My interests include systems, systems for AI, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

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